26 February 2009

Traffic Signal Box (TSB): finished!

TSB Side 1 (finished)

I finished most of this painting before Christmas, except the gravel around the bottom of the aquarium. This weekend, I finally found some time when the weather cooperated (not raining and not too hot) and did the last part . I also went over all the rest of the box checking for touch ups -- for example, by some incredible oversight, I had left out the white stripe next to the tail, on both clownfish. Shocking!

David is still voting for painting a black border around all the fish, but I decided not to do it, as that is a complete change of painting technique. Besides, this whole effort was done "rustically" using Anya's paintbrushes. Next time (assuming I get the chance to do this again) I think I will opt for a non-rustic approach, as I found it frustrating to have all the random feathering of edges. Maybe I will apply my t-shirt screening techniques and use a stencilling approach.

If you click on the photo here, you can go through to flickr and see all the other photos of the TSB including progress photos. You can also see my listing (with this same photo) and rate it (for the annual prize!) on the Artforce website at: http://svc189.bne146v.server-web.com/artforce/rating.asp?id=1034

20 February 2009

Jasmine Sends Us to the Dump

Anya told David this week, "When I'm queen, I'll have the power to get rid of you!" (like Princess Jasmine, in Aladdin)

"Oh? How will you do that?"

"I have a special truck that will take you to the dump!" (the way the pigs got rid of the dingrel in The Three Little Bush Pigs)

He got Anya to tell me about this while we were driving in to town, and she added, "You too, mum."

I then boo-hooed and said, "But who will take care of you -- and kiss you -- and hug you?"

She relented, and said, "I changed my mind -- not you, Dad." (So I would still be taken to the dump.)

David gloated later, "I get to stay, and you don't!"

12 February 2009

Bye, Bye

Our little boy has started saying, "bye, bye" this week and is very pleased with himself about it. He is also much more clearly repeating other words, but "bye, bye" is his favorite. Tonight he looked so sleepy before bedtime, but once laid down with his satin comforter, rather than settle in, he spent half an hour saying "bye, bye," then perked up when his sister came into the room. I had to take him with me for her bedtime story, then start again and listen to another half hour of "bye, bye" before he fell asleep. I even spent part of this time saying, "sleepy time... close your eyes... bye, bye" which normally prompts him to make a genuine attempt to close his eyes and sleep, but tonight only fueled the "bye, bye" madness.

Sydney Opera House Graphic

I made up this graphic yesterday, because I was not happy with the graphics out there (that I could find, anyway). So, just thought I'd share...

When I had the logo made which was meant to incorporate this, we ended up doing something totally different (to my disappointment, but I don't really have time to mess around):


02 February 2009


A snapshot of Callum's growth so far -- about 13 kg (43.3 lb) and an estimated 108 cm tall (42.6 in) and how he compares to Anya at the same age (about 1.5 kg heavier and about the same height). From my aching shoulder blades I was so sure he would weigh even more than this!

Anya weighs 18 kg now and is 3-3/4 years old.

01 February 2009

A Milestone of Sorts

I have been reading other parental blogs lately and feel quite insufficiently amusing and witty and wry. Must remind myself that I am not writing this in order to gather fans, but to share some warm moments with faraway family and friends.

So get ready to feel all warm and fuzzy as I tell you that... Callum has now successfully used the potty twice in the last week. I have no idea what is going on, as we are not actually trying to potty train him right now. But just by chance, twice now I have happened to guess that he was about to poo, and sat him on the potty. Meanwhile, he is still happily weeing on the floor when left nude for more than two or three minutes, and certainly doesn't seem inclined to let us know when he needs to do some business.

As for talking -- he has been getting more and more vocal, but still talking his own language most of the time. Lately he's started saying "uh-oh!" quite often, which sounds very cute. Other than that, he tends to blurt out words when surrounded by a few other people talking, as if he's been following the conversation in his head and couldn't help joining in. I feel as if one day, he will suddenly break out with a fully fledged sentence.

Simple Baked Chicken

I made up this recipe tonight based on what I had in the fridge, and how much time I had, but it turned out pretty well. The beauty of it is, it has no seasonings, so you can dress it how you like afterwards. Tonight I served it atop coconut rice and garnished it with freshly chopped coriander and dollops of sambal barjak (chili lemongrass relish). I can equally well imagine it served on plain rice or pasta and drizzled with olive oil, and italian flavors such as chopped kalamata olives, sundried or fresh tomatoes, and fresh herbs. Or go Moroccan and serve with couscous, preserved lemon & harissa... or dress with cheese sauce...

2 onions, sliced & browned in some oil on low heat
3 or 4 cloves garlic, sliced & browned (throw into onion pan, when onions are nearly done)
1 large red capsicum (bell pepper), sliced
1 large carrot, julienne
1 large zucchini, cut into large chunks
1/2 eggplant, sliced (1 cm thick) & browned in oil
3 or 4 chicken thighs

Toss together all the ingredients except the eggplant and season with salt and pepper. Add oil if needed to moisten all items. Place in a baking dish, making sure the chicken is buried. Place slices of eggplant over the top to cover. Cut some baking paper or foil to the shape of the baking dish, to act as a lid without sealing around the edges. Place on top. Bake at 180C (350F) for at least an hour. (I baked mine for an hour and a half because I was busy doing other things.) The resulting dish should have a lovely broth developed from the chicken and vegetables, so it tastes great with rice.

Here is my easy recipe for coconut rice, by the way:
1 cup jasmine rice
1 cup coconut cream
1 cup water
1 tablespoon fried onion (Asian condiment, or if you don't keep this in stock, simply sliver some onion and fry it gently until well browned)
pinch salt

Bring to a boil and allow to boil gently (not vigorously) for about 4 minutes until the liquid has evaporated to the same level as the top of the rice. Cover, and turn heat to low. The rice should be done in about 8 more minutes. Note if you prefer brown rice, use 2 cups water and adjust the timings accordingly.