22 November 2008
Walking Not Dreaming
He's actually been capable of walking for quite some time, but just too comfortable with having my hands there helping him. So getting him to walk on his own has required a bit of trickery on our part until the small steps increased to multiple steps and from there suddenly this week he's started walking the length of our house (albeit not a very big house).
Yay! No more endless laps of the living room and kitchen for me!
05 November 2008
Punching News
We have a winner – Anya informed me last night at bedtime, “Today was Punching Day, and I won!” I asked her who else played. “Claudia…” she said, “Claudia and I punched each other, like this --” and alternated punching her fists straight out in passably good boxing technique, better than some of my fellow kickboxing students! (I wonder how Claudia felt about that?) I then doubled over her pillow against my front, and encouraged her to punch it, which she loved.
04 November 2008
Punching Day
“Dad,” she interrupts our conversation on the way home in the car. “Dad, I have something exciting to tell you.” (We’ve told her many times that she needs to wait her turn to talk.) “Yes? What is it Anya?” “We’re going to have a Punching Day tomorrow!” “What’s Punching Day?” “Punching Day is when we all punch each other until we fall down. Then whoever wins gets a prize!” (A long pause as we imagine a Kindercraft-wide punch-up.) “What?!”
The concept was clarified this morning as David asked, “Anya, could you tell me about Punching Day again? Will everyone at Kindercraft punch everyone else?” (We smirk at each other.) “No, it’s at Mama’s gym!” (The light dawns… she’s made this up out of what I told her about my Saturday morning kickboxing class!)
03 November 2008
One More Good Reason to Be a Parent
“Mum, mum,” gasping with laughter as I tickle her, “stop, stop, stop,” squirming and wriggling, “stop that business,” and as I start laughing at her turn of phrase, giggling harder, “settle down mum!”
There’s nothing quite like laughing with your kid!