31 December 2007

Tickle Time

Callum is now 20 weeks old. He's been smiling and laughing for quite a while now, but this is first time the laugh has been captured on video.

30 December 2007

More Anya Tales

Anya's been going to swimming lessons since late October, and swims at Don's (David's brother) and Newmarket Pool (a great local pool with slides and fun pools) quite often. So I guess it's no suprise that her first comment upon finding Mrs. Incredible in the doctor's toy basket, with super-stretched arms, was, "She can do BIG ARMS -- BIG ARMS!" (this is the way they teach them to do freestyle/forward crawl).

Another moment that really made David laugh happened when he took her shopping. He likes to cycle with her, towing her in a trailer, and puts the groceries in the trailer for the ride home. Since we live at the top of a hill, the last leg is pretty tough with all the extra weight. He was panting heavily on the upward climb, and didn't answer Anya when she tried to talk to him. "Daddy? Daddy?" she called. "Can't -- talk -- right -- now --" he gasped back. Once home, he stopped in the driveway and panted some more. "Daddy! Why are you hah-ing? Stop hah-ing! I want to talk to you!"

The naughty spot has been in force for a while now, but Anya still doesn't quite understand (or doesn't want to understand?) that we put her on there for a set time, and don't talk to her while she's on it. Recently I had to try really hard not to laugh: she told me she was ready to say sorry, but time wasn't up yet. I simply reminded her, "No talking, time isn't up yet," and she said forcefully, "Unggh! I HATE the naughty spot!" and smacked the wall with her hand. I had to go away because I was afraid I was going to laugh... (Yes dear, that's the point of the naughty spot!)

28 December 2007

Anya's First Rock Climb 27-Dec-07

Anya's been pestering us to take her rock climbing, and she does climb things quite well at the park. So we brought her to Rocksports to try it. She only climbed up about a meter, twice, then declined further opportunities, saying, "I'm supervising."

25 December 2007

Christmas '07

We started this morning with opening presents at our house. Grandma (David's mum Raema) had stayed overnight and joined in. Mid-morning, we all trooped over to Don and Ann Maree's house for a massive family get-together where more presents were exchanged. It took forever to open presents for six kids and seven adults!

Anya's favorite present of the day was a miniature Winnie the Pooh tree house (complete with honey pot). Her other favorite is a magic wand which makes jingling noises when waved. This morning she enjoyed waving it at Raema and "magicking" her into a baby, a dad, a mama, and back to herself again.

Christmas '07 Video

24 December 2007

Waily waily waily!

Anyone who's read Terry Pratchett's Wee Free Men knows what "waily waily waily" means... if you don't know it, there are "pictsies" (little men who are, well, Pictish, in that they're blue skinned, speak with Scottish accents, and love fighting and drinking) who bewail unfortunate circumstances by yelling "oh, waily waily waily!" (they especially love to do this in groups, like an aggressive form of keening).
I've managed to find amusement in Anya's latest infuriating mannerism by thinking of this line from the book.  In Anya's case, this involves suddenly flipping from being happy and cheerful to feeling fussy.  She then works herself up from low level fussing up to concentrated snivelling and ultimately full blown wailing, by which time she's forgotten what she's upset about, but she's darn well upset and intends to stay that way.  This happens at least four or five times a day, usually about nothing of importance, more as if she's checked the clock and thought, hmm I haven't fussed for a while, better do it again.
So far we've managed to stay pretty even tempered about it, simply telling her we can't talk to her while she's wailing, but it is VERY annoying and tiresome, and I hope she stops doing it soon!

23 December 2007

Bitey Boy

Our boy continues his winning ways, not only smiling at all and sundry but now also willing to lick and bite just about anybody...

08 December 2007

Anya+Callum Photo Comparison

Everyone keeps saying how much Callum looks like Anya did. I felt at the beginning as if we had Anya all over again, but as Callum got older I didn't find them very similar after all. So I put these photos together to compare.

07 December 2007

Springbrook National Park 5-7 Dec 07

This was the second day of our mini-holiday at Springbrook. David really did the toughest bit, carrying Anya on our bushwalk. We were just happy she was over the mysterious allergic reaction she suffered the day before during our walk to Natural Bridge. You can just make out the top of Callum's head in the sling I'm wearing.

Purlingbrook Falls (Springbrook) 6-Dec-07

Natural Bridge (Springbrook) 5-Dec-07

03 December 2007

My Jumping Elf

Anya's changing as quickly as Callum... time seems to be going so quickly.  I just realised this week that she's developed the habit of running from A to B full pelt, then arriving with a jump at the end.  Jumping is also fun across gaps, up steps (still not doing that one properly, but keeps trying), on one leg (while holding on to furniture), up to the sky (while David and I hold her hands and she swings her legs way up) and into the pool.  She's very excited to help Callum jump as well, bouncing him up and down in the Jolly Jumper.
Less engaging habits lately include yelling songs at the top of her lungs, doing exactly what I've just asked her not to, and other typical toddler behaviour... luckily for me I haven't yet experienced a public tantrum, although David has: while carrying Callum in a sling, holding Anya's tricycle in one hand, and trying to get Anya to keep moving through the shopping mall (in aid of giving me a break at home).

Jolly Jumper 1-Dec-07

Lots of firsts this week: jolly jumping (well, mostly swivelling on tiptoe so far), standing supported (looks delighted every time), sitting up (with help), rolling to one side, reaching out and grabbing things... and best of all, LAUGHING! Rather than a giggle, Callum's laugh is sort of a "heh-heh-heh" as if he's surprised to be laughing.

By way of comparison, Anya's first turn in the Jolly Jumper was at 5 months, so Callum seems to be developing physically a lot more quickly. It's amazing to watch him try so hard to sit up -- cranes his neck and lifts his head. Anya only sat up after months and months of being carried around upright and never seemed to be trying to sit up by herself.

On the other hand, Anya was already reaching out and grabbing things at 12 weeks old (Callum is now 16 weeks) so she was ahead in other ways. My hairdresser (who has 4 kids) said she thinks boys are lazier and don't develop as quickly! Funny, as general consensus seems to be that boys are usually ahead of girls in physical skills.

I've also been reading about birth order (Time Magazine) -- apparently we can expect Anya to be more intelligent/ambitious, conformist/conservative and serious, while Callum will most likely be more agreeable, rebellious and humorous. Firstborns are also usually physically larger, but so far that's not the case! I was interested to read that elder siblings' intelligence is boosted by the tutor effect -- having to explain things to their younger siblings.