29 September 2007

Pumpkin Moon

Pumpkin Moon 30-Sep-07
Originally uploaded by jaguarish

This moon was out while the fireworks were on. Too bad I couldn't get them in the same photo...

Mitchelton Turns 150 Fireworks

Mitchelton Turns 150 Fireworks 30-Sep-07
Originally uploaded by jaguarish

Our hilltop position is great for seeing fireworks in all directions! This photo was taken from our driveway.

26 September 2007

Mystery Pest, Kaffir Lime

Mystery Pest, Kaffir Lime
Originally uploaded by jaguarish

We just noticed these infesting our kaffir lime tree this week. The young are the same green as the leaves; as they get older and bigger, they gradually turn this bright orange. We have no idea what kind of beetle this is. (Please comment if you know!)

24 September 2007

Fat Little Fruits (Pawpaw)

Fat Little Fruits (Pawpaw)
Originally uploaded by jaguarish

This the same tree as I photographed on 8-Sep for my daily photo.

Baby Stories

At present, I don't have any Callum stories that don't involve poo. So I'll just leave it to your imagination... and if you have no idea what I'm talking about then you should feel lucky...

By the way, Callum is now 4.65 kg (10 lb 5 oz), which is 60 g more than Anya at the same age.

As for Anya stories, she is getting so grown up. We have such involved conversations that I sometimes forget that she's only two years old. Here is a David and Anya story from last week:

David: Can I have a hug?
Anya moves in close as if about to snuggle his chest, then bites him.
David: OW!
Anya: Sorry, Daddy. We should take you to the doctor, so he can put ice on your nipple.
David laughs heartily at this very cute idea.
Anya bursts into tears at this inappropriate reaction to her sincere suggestion.

23 September 2007

Gum Tree, Late Afternoon

Gum Tree, Late Afternoon
Originally uploaded by jaguarish

The golden light on the white bark looked so elegant. I'm not sure this photo really does it justice.

22 September 2007

Hail + Rain

Hail+Rain 22-Sep-07
Originally uploaded by jaguarish

Our roof had hail rocketing off like a slippery slide, but I wasn't lucky enough to catch one in a photo (unless you count the streak of airborne white).

20 September 2007

Night Owl + Moon

Night Owl + Moon
Originally uploaded by jaguarish

This looked cooler with the naked eye (the house's roofline also was visible). I'll have to try again later.

19 September 2007

Mango Tree (My Neighbor's)

Mango Tree (My Neighbor's)
Originally uploaded by jaguarish

These mango trees grow all over Brisbane.

14 September 2007

Peregian Beach Rock Pools

Peregian Beach Rock Pools 13-Sep-07
Originally uploaded by jaguarish

I've skipped some daily photos as we were on holiday up the coast. (That's David in the water.)

13 September 2007

Bunya Pines

Bunya Pines 13-Sep-07
Originally uploaded by jaguarish

This is the view northward from the family unit at Peregian Beach.

11 September 2007

Beach Path Under Water

Beach Path Under Water 11-Sep-07
Originally uploaded by jaguarish

Our usual beach access path is thigh-deep under water. My mother-in-law says she's never seen it flooded like this, and she's been going to Peregian Beach for 20 years! David took this photo. (I tried taking my own the next day, but my camera settings were wrong and I got nothing good.)

10 September 2007

Water Tank

Water Tank
Originally uploaded by jaguarish

This 7000 liter water tank was delivered this morning. We will install it when we renovate, but we needed to order it now to qualify for the government rebates.

09 September 2007

Frangipani Tree

Originally uploaded by jaguarish

It's harder than I thought to find a good photo each day, especially with a little girl dogging my every move...

08 September 2007

Pawpaw (Papaya) Flowers

Pawpaw (Papaya) Flowers 8-Sep-07
Originally uploaded by jaguarish

This is David's red pawpaw tree. This variety is able to self-pollinate (yellow pawpaws require male trees to pollinate the female trees!)

I rather liked the idea of the Yahoo! Daily Photo Widget so I hope to take an interesting photo each day to post, but considering that I have a newborn and a two-year-old, I'm not sure I'll make it. But hopefully this photo will be the first of many...

06 September 2007

Story of the Day

I went into Anya's room this afternoon after she'd been napping for about 2 hours. I thought she'd probably wake up, but I really needed to get something. Sure enough, after I'd taken a few steps into the room, she opened her eyes as if she'd been awake all along, and looked at me steadily.

"Hi sweetie," I greeted her. "Did you have a nice sleep?"

She took the dummy out of her mouth and proclaimed, "Steve really likes crocodiles!" while waving her index finger at me.

I don't know how she'll take it when she learns that Steve Irwin isn't with us any more... he's a favorite of hers from Wiggles videos and Bindi Irwin's afternoon show!