31 October 2006


Spending the week "up the coast" at the family beach unit with Anya and Raema (Anya's grandma & my mum-in-law). David, unfortunately, couldn't take a week off work and is waiting until the weekend to join us, if the weather holds.

I didn't realise until settling in to write this that it's Halloween today! It's been sun and beach for 4 straight days, so it's hard to believe that it's dark and spooky on the other side of the planet.

Anya's vocabulary has just exploded this week - I tried to write down all her new words, but there are so many now that a list is meaningless. Some sources say that they are learning 90 words a day at this age, and I can believe it.

The main word of the week is pasta (often lazily pronounced as "pa-pa") which Anya insistently requests at every meal and snack break, while encouragingly patting the fridge door. She even asked for some as part of her effort to postpone bedtime. I can't believe she can be so cunning at just 18 months old.

Her other obsession is the Wiggles, which she calls "bow-wow" because that's the first song on "Top of the Tots." I have heard her asking, "bow-wow? bow-wow?" and "pa-pa? pa-pa?" so many times now that I hear her voice in my sleep...

20 October 2006

Day 22

FET (frozen embryo transfer) today. Yesterday I had to decide whether to put in one or two. I decided on one. During the procedure I mentioned that it had been a tough call, and Dr Kilvert said he thought I made the right choice.

17 October 2006

Here it comes...

It appears that terrible two-dom is coming up fast. Bright side is, this means Anya's precocious...?

Latest naughtiness includes: smacking me in the face despite all warnings to stop; climbing on to the dinner table while saying, "NO!" at the top of her lungs; extreme tantrums over being thwarted (about anything).

On the cute side, this morning she said, "Coco!" (talking about our neighbour Cora) so I asked her, "Can you say 'Sam' ?" (Cora's husband) and she said, "Am!" Turtles are also popular at the moment.

07 October 2006

Changes Imminent

A lot has happened since my last post and a lot is happening soon! Family: negative result on the IVF cycle, but due to try again soon (we have 3 embryos left from the egg pick-up and fertilisation). Work: someone sort of offhandedly offered me a job, I pursued discussions, and they should get back to me soon with a firm offer. Home: David has pushed ahead with getting builders and architects to visit us, to discuss renovations for our house, so we'll be committing to a course of action soon (yikes!)

Foremost in my thoughts recently is my work/life balance, as
I feel quite tired all the time, and at the same time constantly yearn to spend more time with Anya. Meanwhile, I actually like working, but have gotten burned out on my current role. At the same time, when I'm with Anya, she's so full throttle that I get tired out and wish I could get a break! Oh, if only I were rich and could have a nanny and work only as many hours as I felt like...

In any case, I'm very hopeful that this prospective job turns out to be as imagined. It's with a software company that makes hydraulic modelling software that I've used in both my current and last jobs. This would mean getting to focus more on my favorite aspect of work, computer analysis, plus getting to deliver training, also something I enjoy. Even if this doesn't pan out, it's made me think about what I really enjoy in my work.